Tips On How To Prevent Having a Bad Breath! See these tips and easyremedies to keep your breath smelling fresh.

Whether it's a fleeting case of morning breath or a lingering bout with halitosis, everyone has bad breath sometimes.

Unfortunately, for as easy as it is to get bad breath, getting rid of it can be a lot more complicated. However, Doctor Liza Ong has tips for everyone to prevent themselves from having a bad breath.

One of the simplest techniques to prevent it is to brush the teeth three times a day. Flossing is another important component to good mouth health. Flossing removes the plaque and bacteria build-up from between your teeth, which even the best toothbrushes can't get rid of. Do this at least once a day.

A tongue cleaner is needed as well because there is a foul smell behind the tongue. Alcohol-free mouthwash also helps maintain a fresh breath all through the day.

Visiting the dentist every six months also helps clean out the teeth and the mouth.

They are advising everyone to avoid excessive eating of garlic, onion and chili because their odor stays in the mouth for 24 hours.

These are just some of the tips that Dr. Ong has to give to the people.

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