BELIEVE IT OR NOT: Goat Gives Birth To Human Like Babies

It is one of those freak surprises thrown by nature. Recently, a goat's picture has caught the buzz on social media as it reportedly discloses having given birth to human-like babies.

According to reports, the baby goat born in a small village in Solapur in H.D. Kote taluk in Karnataka, possess about 70% resemblance to the body of human baby. The eyes, nose, limbs and mouth are similar to those in human while the foot and ears looks like that of a goat. The goat's owner, Bhaskar, stated that the goat has given birth to ten kids in the past four years and all of them were normal.

The first human-like baby was born at around 6:30 am on Monday, while the goat gave birth to other one at 11:30 am, which was a female with human features. Experts said, it is the result of a rare genetic condition.

"In medical terms, the condition in is called fetal anasarta, means the baby body filled with excessive fluids. This happens due to a genetic disorder or infection."

Meanwhile, it resulted to different response and speculations. Others believe that the DNA testing must be made to prove weather if has -sexual- intercourse taken between human and the animal. The two stillborn baby goats will be preserved and exhibited at the Mysore Dasara Exhibition.

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