Tado Jimenez (Arvin Jimenez) in real life, 39 years old, best known for co-hosting various noontime shows on ABS-CBN in early 2000s, was among the 14 passengers killed on the Florida Bus lines tourist bus fell into a ravine Friday morning, February 7, at Banaue-Bontoc road in Sitio Panggang, Baranggaay Talubin, Bontoc.
The report was confirmed by TV5 news program "Aksyon" this evening, where Philippine Natioanal Police (PNP) Cordillera stated that Tado Jimenez is one of the 14 dead in the tragic bus accident.
On Thursday, the comedian-tv host posted on his Instagram account about his trip project, "Life begins at the mountain." He posted the photo of the bus with caption “Long trip, as in trip trip.”
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