14-Year-Old Muslim Student Arrested for Bringing a Homemade Clock to School. This Will Make You Furious!

A 14-year old Muslim student at Texas' Irving MacArthur High got arrested when he brought his homemade clock to the school and showed it to his teacher.

Ahmed Mohamed, a 9th grader, gained punishment after he brought what he thought was an inventive showcase for a class project. He was being arrested and handcuffs.

The clock apparently had a circuit board, a metal case, and a digital clock display.

According to Dallas news, Mohamed is a smart kid who "makes his own radios and reparis his own go-kart," brought in a homemade clock to class. But rather than being impressed, his teacher said it resembled a bomb, and he was sent to the principal's office, where a police officer arrested him in handcuffs.

A police spokesman said there was "no reason to think it was dangerous"; the verdict leans toward a clear case of Islamophobia. Ahmed said when he was brought to the principal an officer (who he's never seen before) looked at him and said, "Yup, that's who I thought it was."

Support for the high school student flooded on Social Media with the hashtag of #IStandWithAhmed.

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